(under construction)


UMC requires Magento CE 1.7. It might work on CE but it hasn't been fully tested yet.

UMC does not work on CE versions lower than 1.7, or does not produce the desired result.

Before installing UMC, make sure the compilation is disabled.

Warning: UMC is for development use. Do not use in UMC in production environments.

Magento Connect installation.

You can install UMC directly from Magento Connect.

UMC can be found at this url: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/utilities/developer-tools/ultimate-modulecreator-8949.html

The extension key for UMC is http://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community/Ultimate_ModuleCreator

Github installation.

You can also download UMC from github as an archive. Unzip the archive over your Magento instance (app and skin folders over the matching folder). Nothing should be overwritten.

After the install process is done make sure you clear the cache.

If the installation was successful you should see the UMC menu item in the backend under the `System` menu

Uninstalling UMC

If you want to uninstall UMC delete the following (paths are relative to Magento root):

app/code/local/Ultimate/ModuleCreator/ folder
app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/ultimate_modulecreator.xml file
app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/ultimate_modulecreator/ folder
app/etc/modules/Ultimate_ModuleCreator.xml file
app/locale/en_US/Ultimate_ModuleCreator.csv file
skin/adminhtml/default/default/ultimate_modulecreator.css file
LICENSE_UMC.txt file
readme_UMC.txt file

To delete any settings from the database run the following query (add table prefix if you have one):

DELETE FROM `core_config_data` where `path` LIKE 'modulecreator/%';

Module List

After clicking on the 'Module creator' menu you should see an empty grid. This will list the modules you will create with UMC.

Click on 'Create new module' to start your module.

Create a module

The 'create module screen' should contain 3 tabs. Later might be 4 tabs but initially there are 3.

While going through the tabs I will create a module as a tutorial. It will be a simple blog module with blog posts and tags.

At the end of each tab description below you will find the values needed you need to fill in to make it work.

General tab

In the General settings tab you can define the meta-information about your module.

Most of the values are filled with a default value. To see how to change these values visit the Configuration section

Field name Description Has default value
Namespace This is not actually a namespace. This is the folder name of your new extension. Your company name should go here. Use only letters and numbers. Start with a capital letter. Yes
Module name

This is your extension/module name. It should be something meaningful and not very long.

Try to use a noun in singular form. Start with a capital letter.

For security reasons, to avoid module name collisions with the Magento core you cannot name a module just like an existing one even in a different namespace: "Catalog", "Sales", "Checkout"...

Code pool

The codepool is the folder where your extensnion will be placed. Magento has by deafult 3 codepools: core, local & community.

In this dropdown only local and community are available. Always keep the core clean.

If the extensnion you create with UMC only for internal use then choose 'local'. If you plan to put it on magento-connect or sell it, select 'community'.


UMC allows you to direcly install the module you create on the current Magento instance, or create a zip with it and install it later.

Warning:. The zip is not compatible with Magento Connect. It's just a simple archive with the files of the module.

If you choose to install the module directly no file will be overwritten. If by a human error or UMC error a file should be overwritten then the 'Action' is changed to 'Create an archive. I will install it later.' and you will be notified of the files that were not overwritten.

Frontend package

This is the name of the design interface (package) of your mangento instance. If you don't know what goes here put "base".

For more information on what package/interface is, see the Magento User guide

Frontend theme - templates

This is the name of the theme of your mangento instance for the template files. If you don't know what goes here put "default".

For more information on what a theme is, see the Magento User guide

Frontend theme - layout

This is the name of the theme of your mangento instance for the layout files. If you don't know what goes here put "default".

For more information on what a theme is, see the Magento User guide


The text you put here will be added at the top of (almost) each file in the module you create.

Use {{Namespace}} as a placeholder for namespace, {{Module}} as a placeholder for the module name and {{Y}} as placeholder for current year.

If you don't want any License text on your files just leave this field empty.

Menu sort order

The module you create should be accessable in the back-end through a menu item. In this field you should put the sort order for that menu item

In case you don't know what to puut there, click on the link below the field and you should see the current menus and be able to fit your menu items between 2 of them or at the start or the end of the menu items.


For the blog module these values can be:

Field Value
Namespace Easylife
Module name Blog
Code pool local
Action Install new extension on the current instance.
Frontend package base
Frontend theme - templates default
Frontend theme - layouts default
License {{Namespace}}_{{Module}} extension
Built for demo purposes in {{Y}}
Menu sort order 45
Entities tab

This is the section where you can add your custom entities.

You can add as many as you want.

For each entity you can add its properties (table fields).

After clicking on 'Add entity' you should see a form like the image on the left.

Most of the values are filled with a default value. To change these values visit the Configuration section

In an entity configuration the following fields can be configured.

Field name Description Has default value
Name settings
Entity label - singular

Each entity must have a lable used for buttons, links, messages.

This is the singular form of the label. For example in a blog module, the post entity will have the label in singular form 'Post'

Info:Try to use English words for this label. It's not mandatory, but it makes the taxonomy more readable. UMC will create a language file for the modules it generates and you can translate your module.

Info:I recommend the first letter to be uppercase.

Entity label - plural

This is the plural form of the label above. It will be used for lists. (For example: 'Posts')

Info:Try to use English words for this label. It's not mandatory, but it makes the taxonomy more readable. UMC will create a language file for the modules it generates and you can translate your module.

Info:I recommend the first letter to be uppercase.

Entity code - singular

UMC generates the code in a 'human readable' form. It's easier to figure out what the code is about when the variables and methods have a propper name.

For exmaple it's easier to read foreach ($_posts as $_post){...} or $_post->getTags() than foreach ($_list as $_item){...} or $_entity->getRelated('tags');

The value you fill in here will be used for variable names, file names and table names.

Info:Use only letters. No numbers, no underscores, all in lowercase.

Info:There are some restrictions to these values, because there are reserved strings that might make the code not function properly. For example: 'resource', 'setup'. For a complete list of restrictions see Ultimate_ModuleCreator_Helper_Data::$_restrictedEntityNames

Entity code - plural

This is the plural value of the entity code above. For example 'posts'.

Info:Use only letters. No numbers, no underscores, all in lowercase.

Behaves as tree

If this is set to 'Yes' then your entity will behave as the default Magento categories to. It will have the same UI as the categories module have.

Add "Created at" to admin grid

The entities created with UMC will have a field called 'created_at' field with the creation date of any entity instance.

If this is set to 'Yes' the 'Created at' field will be added to the admin grid.

WarningThis option is not available if the entity has 'tree' behavior.

Add "Updated at" to admin grid

The entities created with UMC will have a field called 'updated_at' field with the date of the last modification for each entity instance.

If this is set to 'Yes' the 'Updated at' field will be added to the admin grid.

WarningThis option is not available if the entity has 'tree' behavior.

Add "Status" field

If this is set to 'Yes' a boolean field called 'status' will be added to your entity. With this field you can controll what entities will appear on frontend.

If this is set to 'No' then all the entity instances will be considered enabled.

Add to admin global search

The Magento admin Global search (at the top of every admin page) searches for the text you enter in products, customers and orders.

If you set this to 'Yes' than it will search in your entity also.

Create API

Magento offers a SOAP API for managing products, categories, orders and other entities.

If this is set to 'Yes', then your entity will also be available for managing through the SOAP API.

It generates the classes and xml files needed for API V1, API V2 and API V2 with WSI complience.

Create fronend files

If this is set to 'Yes' then the frontend files of your entity will be created.

If this is set to 'No', all the other fields in this section will not be available.

Create entity list page

If this is set to 'Yes', a link will be added to the footer to a page where your entity instances will be sisted. The page has a toolbar for pagination, and it will list the titles of the entity instances.

Entity list page template

From this dropdown you can select the layout of your entity list page from the available page formats.

All the Magento page layouts are listed here: 1column, 2columns-left, ....

If you have any other page layout it will appear here.

Create entity view page

If this is set to 'Yes', the files needed for the page details of your entity are created.

Entity view page template

From this dropdown you can select the layout of your entity view page from the available page formats.

All the Magento page layouts are listed here: 1column, 2columns-left, ....

If you have any other page layout it will appear here.

Create URL rewrites for entity view page

If you set this to 'Yes', a new field will be added to your entity called 'url_key'.

This will allow you to use SEF url's for your entity view pages. Example: http://mysite.com/some-key-here.html

If is set to 'No' your entity view page will be accessed in the default way http://mysite.com/module/controller/action/id/7

warningThis field is available only if 'Create entity view page' is set to 'Yes'.

Add SEO attributes

If this is set to 'Yes', 3 extra fields will be added to your entity, 'meta_title', 'meta_keywords' and 'meta_description'. The values of these fields will be added used for the details page of your entity.

warningThis field is available only if 'Create entity view page' is set to 'Yes'.

Create RSS feed

If this is set to 'Yes', a RSS feed with your entities will be added to the list or Magento RSS feeds.

Also a new fields called 'in_rss' will be added to your entity. This will allow you to filter the entities listed in the RSS feed.

You can disable the RSS feature later from the configuration section of your module.

Known issue:If all the default Magento RSS feeds are disabled, but the general RSS feed is enabled and the RSS feed for your entity is also enabled a message will apprear on the RSS list page: 'There are no Rss Feeds'. This happens because Magento RSS list functionality does not allow adding custom RSS feeds without overriding a block.

Create Link/View widget

If this is set to 'Yes', 2 new widgets will be added to the list of widgets that can be used in CMS pages and CMS blocks.

One widget will allow you to add a link to your entity instance and one will allow you to add a few details about your entity in CMS page or block.

Link "many to many" with products

If this is set to 'Yes', a new tab will be added to the product add/edit form, with a list of your entities. Something similar to the 'Related products' tab.

Also on your entity add/edit page a similar tab listing all the products will be added.

Show associated entities on product page

If this is set to 'Yes', a new section with the list of your entities related to a specific product will be added to the product view page.

This happens for the default Magento theme and for themes with similar format for the product view page. For custom themes there the block might not appear. Visit the FAQ page to see how you can make it work on your theme.

Info: This field is available only if 'Link "many to many" with products' is set to 'Yes'.

Show associated product on entity page

If this is set to 'Yes', on your entity details page a new section will appear listing all the available product names associated to your entity.

Info: This field is available only if 'Link "many to many" with products' and 'Create entity view page' are set to 'Yes'.


In the blog module I am creating as a tutorial there will be 2 entities.

One for blog posts and one for blog tags.

Here are the settings needed for them.

Field Value
Entity label - singular Blog post
Entity label - plural Blog posts
Entity code - singular blogpost
Entity label - plural blogposts
Behaves as tree No
Add "Created at" to admin grid Yes
Add "Updated at" to admin grid Yes
Add "Status" field Yes
Add to admin global search Yes
Create API Yes
Create frontend files Yes
Create entity list page Yes
Entity list page template 2 columns with left bar.
Create entity view page Yes
Create URL rewrites for entity view page Yes
Entity view page template 2 columns with right bar
Add SEO attributes Yes
Create RSS feed Yes
Create Link/View widget Yes
Link "many to many" with products Yes
Show associated entities on product page Yes
Show associated product on entity page Yes
Field Value
Entity label - singular Blog tag
Entity label - plural Blog tagss
Entity code - singular blogtag
Entity label - plural blogtags
Behaves as tree No
Add "Created at" to admin grid Yes
Add "Updated at" to admin grid Yes
Add "Status" field Yes
Add to admin global search No
Create API Yes
Create frontend files Yes
Create entity list page Yes
Entity list page template 3 columns
Create entity view page Yes
Create URL rewrites for entity view page Yes
Entity view page template 3 columns
Add SEO attributes Yes
Create RSS feed Yes
Create Link/View widget Yes
Link "many to many" with products Yes
Show associated entities on product page Yes
Show associated product on entity page Yes


Each entity must have a set of fields. These are the fields to the DB table of your entity

The fields that have a special meaning are added automatically to the table. (Primary key, created_at, updated_at...)

Some other field names are restricted because their magic getter would conflict with an existing method.

Here is the list of restricted field names.

Field code Details
created_at An attribute named "created_at" will be added by default to your entity
updated_at An attribute named "updated_at" will be added by default to your entity
status If you want to add it, set "Add Status field" to "Yes"
in_rss If you want to add it, set "Create RSS feed" to "Yes"
meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords If you want to add then, set "Add SEO Attributes" to "Yes"
parent_id, leve, children_count, path These are reserved attribute codes for tree behaving entities
url_key If you want to use URL keys set "Create URL rewrites for entity view page" to "Yes"
node this cannot be used because it will conflict with the tree entity methods.

Field/Attribute configuration

Each field supports the following settings:

Setting Description
Attribute Label This is the label that will be shown in the add/edit form
Attribute Code This is a unique identifier for the attribute. It will be used as column name.
Attribute Type Can be one of: Text, Textarea, Integer, Decimal, Yes/No, Timestamp, Image, File, Website & Country
Position This is the sort order number of the field in the add/edit form
Note Short description that will be shown in the add/edit form under the field.
Acts as name Each entity must have one and only one field that acts as a name. This is a special field that will be used in your entity listing. It is available only for attribtues with type Text, Decimal and Integer.
Is required This will determine if the field is required or not when adding/editing an entity. Is not available for file & image fields.
Use WYSIWYG editor This is available only for Textarea fields. It determines if the field has a WYSISYG editor attached to it.
Add in admin grid This will place your field in the admin grid. It's not available for textarea, image & file fields
Show in frontend This will determine if the field is visible on the frontend view page. It is available only if your entity is configured to support view page.
Show in widget This will determine if the field is visible on the view widget. It is available only if your entity is configured to support widgets.
Show in rss This will determine if the field is visible on the rss page. It is available only if your entity is configured to support rss feeds.

For the blog module we are building as a demo the following attributes can be added to the entities

The settings for Position and Note were skipped because they can be anything (including empty)

Blog post entity
Attr. name Attr. code Type Acts as name Is required Use WYSIWYG editor Show in frontend Show in widget Show in rss
Title title Text Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
Short description short_description Textarea N/A Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Description description Textarea N/A Yes Yes Yes No No
Author author Text No Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
Blog tag entity
Attr. name Attr. code Type Acts as name Is required Use WYSIWYG editor Show in frontend Show in widget Show in rss
Tag tag Text Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes

This tab will appear only if you have at least 2 entities in your module.

For each combination of 2 entities from the ones you have, a dropdown will be generated in this section to allow you to establish the relation between them.

Relation type Description
--None-- This means there is no relation between your entities
Is Parent for This will set a one to many relation between your entities, where the first entity will be the parent of the second entity. In the add/edit form of the child entity you will see a dropdown with all the instances of the parent entity.
Is Child of This is the same as 'Is parent for' but the other way arround. The second entity is the parent in this case.
Is Sibling with

This will create a many to many relation between your entities. In the add/edit form for each of them you will see an additional tab from which you can select the related entity.

Warning: You cannot create sibling relations between to tree behaving entities.

The "Help" tab is a small section explaining basically what this documentation describes. It is there so you don't need to access any other resource for tips on how to use the extension.